Samuel B. Ofori

My Philosophy
Beauty is everywhere, If you take the time to see it!! That is the motto behind everything I do. Taking the time to see the beauty in everyday life is. I love to capture the raw, unfiltered, real side of people. The goosebumps, the loud and quiet, the inside jokes, the guts busting laughs, you know the real stuff.
Anyone can create some posed, fake, untrue version of who you are but I want to go much deeper than that. I want to know your love story, the thing you love most about each other, the things that make you cry, your favourite memory of each other, I want to learn all of these things and portray your entire love story through the imagery I take.
If you are looking for someone who is all about capturing the unique, perfectly imperfect things that make you you, then I think we might just be the perfect fit.